Thursday, July 25, 2013

Aprendiendo A Amar

Hey everybody! I can't believe this is only my seventh day here in Nicaragua. The hospitality and quick friendships here make me feel like it's been a month or more. I'm amazed and thankful for how welcoming this place has been.
Anyways, God has been so good this week! I arrived at Casa Bernabe in the middle of the night and spent my first night in La Posada, the dorm for the teenage guys. In the morning I was introduced to the guys; there are ten of them ranging from probably about thirteen to sixteen. It was really cool to get to see Armando (a fifteen-year old that Carley's family sponsors), he knew who I was and we quickly formed a friendship. I was also introduced to William, the other leader for the Posada boys.
The guys are really great. Even though (like I said) it's only been seven days, I feel like I'm getting to know them pretty well. I'm teaching two of them (Armando and another guy) guitar daily, and it's so cool to see their progress and their passion for learning. They're making so much progress that I think by the end of the month they'll hopefully be pretty self-sufficient as far as learning goes.
I've also gotten the opportunity to help some of the guys in the field. Each boy is growing a row of plants, and display a ton of initiative and wisdom when it comes to caring for them. Another thing that I'm really stoked about is the greenhouse. Thanks to all of you who donated to the project, we fully funded the construction of this greenhouse that the Bernabe kids will use to learn more and more about how to grow food and eventually, take care of themselves with these skills. I love getting to work alongside the Nicaraguans to build something that'll better their livelihoods.
The ways God has been speaking to me while I'm here are amazing. The first two days I was really confused because while I'm used to consistently different scenarios while on missions trip, on this trip the setting is fairly constant. This made me begin to doubt why I'm here; I felt like I wasn't doing anything effective. I began to doubt whether this was actually what God had called me to do. Then, in the awesome way he does, God made a verse pop up that was one of the verses I felt he was using to call me here. I suddenly felt this sense of sureness. Whenever God calls us to do something, he is working to advance his kingdom. Obviously, that’s the exact opposite of what Satan wants. I’m very thankful that God helps us to fight our unbelief and assure us of his will.
While I've been here, God has been working a lot on my perspective of Nicaragua and how I’m supposed to minister to people. It’s crucial for me to not think of this month as either a success or failure. Something I realized from Skyping Carley last night is that it’s important that I don’t think of getting to know these boys as my mission so I can minister to them. I should get to know them to get to know them. Otherwise, it’s not really a real relationship; no relationship should be founded on a motive.
So anyway, that’s what’s going on for the most part. I could definitely use some prayer, especially for that whole success/failure mentality. I need to learn more and more to listen to God as opposed to just doing my own thing. At the end of this trip, all that matters is whether or not I have worshipped God in everything I do. Please pray that I would learn to make that my highest priority.
I can not thank you all enough for your support. There are so many awesome people here I’m getting to know and I’m learning to love and listen to God in so many new ways. I hope you all have a blessed Summer.

Mark Rodriguez

p.s. There is nothing creepier than seeing a tarantula crawl to your room solely by the light of a TV.

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